Stomach, Esophagus

17 items

    17 items
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease and esophageal cancer. 1
    Patient’s story. Metastatic esophageal cancer. Success of double neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 12
    Esophageal cancer treatment FAQ. Prognosis. When surgery is not beneficial? 11
    Future in esophageal cancer treatment. Precision medicine. Tumor genome sequencing. 10
    Esophageal carcinoma. Minimally invasive surgery vs. classic surgery. Surgeon’s skill is paramount. 8
    Esophageal carcinoma radiotherapy. ‘East’ vs. ‘West’ differences in radiotherapy use. 7
    Esophageal carcinoma. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy vs. upfront surgery. 6
    Esophageal carcinoma diagnosis. PET CT. Endoscopic ultrasound. Cure at early stage is possible. 5
    Esophageal carcinoma risks and symptoms. ‘East’ vs. ‘West’ differences in esophageal cancer. 4
    GERD anti-reflux surgery often fails after 10 years. PPI medications and esophageal cancer risk. 3
    Does GERD anti-reflux surgery reduce esophageal cancer risks? The risk does not go down to zero. 2
    Dr. Jari Rasanen. Esophageal cancer and Lung cancer expert. Biography. 0
    Hypopharyngeal cancer treatment. Esophageal cancer therapy options. 2
    Esophageal cancer treatment options. Staging of esophageal carcinoma. 1
    Staging of esophageal cancer before surgery. PET-CT and endosonography. 8
    How to prevent esophageal cancer? Risks of hot drinks, genetic factors, alcohol. 9
    Esophageal cancer therapy in elderly patients. Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy. PET CT. 8
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